True Learning
Eighteen Key Strategies to Create Authentic Learners
For the Students
Whetheran adult or a small child -
a student learns faster and more effectively when they
Thinking happens best
when the information is personalized for the learner's ability level
(see Chapter 3: Individualize to Surpass Sameness),
and teams tackle new material together
(see Chapter 5: Third Graders. First Time Writers.).
True Learning
presents lesson samples, student stories, and
a plethora of unique techniques -
for all ages -
5 to 50.
Children and adults enjoy teamwork,
markers that smell from licorice to lime,
and opportunities to present their work.
For the Teachers
Whether a first time substitute or an experienced teacher,
solidly tested ideas create confidence and trust.
A True Story
A new substitute on her first day, faces
- 5 music classes,
- 3 different grade levels,
- with only a 15 minute video on Bach
She's quickly given
a set of specific skill steps
based on high student participation.
With students on task
and the teacher in control,
she has a great day,
and every child earns a red star on their paper!
A Teaching Lesson
An experienced teacher, watching his students enjoy
teaching each other,
decides being a coordinator for his class
is as effective as teaching alone.
(High school students take over in
Chapter 2: Students As Science Teachers).
Strategies and enrichment,
analysis lessons, and student independence
fill the pages in
True Learning.
Can Dragons and Dragons
Ever Be Friends?
When a young child discovers ancient scrolls in a magical tree,
a Great Forest Adventure unfolds.
An ancient rhyme which ends with
- Dragons and frogs will never, ever be friends! –
makes the forest a miserable mess. One day, a broken promise
leaves the dragons' egg at the bottom of Deep Pond.
Forest Squirrel writes letters of hope for friendship to Beach Bird
who returns letters of advice and predictions of doom.
Can anyone ever change?
Which type of intelligence makes you brilliant?
What is the
best way you learn?
Begin your journey to
click here
book takes
student thinking and
teacher inspiration to a new level.
click here to see on amazon.
Thank you!
Miss Trudi
To teach is to learn twice.
Joseph Joubert
The person born with a talent
they are meant to use
will find their greatest happiness
in using it.
Johann Wolfgang Mozart