True Learning: A Renaissance in Education

(Eighteen Key Strategies to Create the Authentic Learners of the Future)

For Homeschool Parents and New Teachers

Whether  an adult or a small child -

learning is faster and lasts longer

when learning is based on thinking strategies.

Thinking happens best

when the information is personalized

for the learner's ability level

(see Chapter 3:  Individualize to Surpass Sameness),

and teams tackle new material together.

(see Chapter 5:  Third Graders. First Time Writers.).

True Learning: A Renaissance in Education

presents lesson samples, student stories, and

a plethora of unique techniques - 

for all ages -

5 to 50.

Children and even adults enjoy teamwork,

markers that smell from licorice to lime,

and opportunities to present their work.

Whether a first time substitute or an experienced teacher,

solidly tested ideas create confidence and trust.

Save the Sub

 A substitute on her first day of teaching,

is scheduled to teach

- 5 music classes,

- 3 different grade levels,

- with only a 15 minute video on Bach

She's quickly given

a set of specific skill steps

based on high student participation.

With students on task

and the teacher in control,

she has a great day,

 and every child earns a red star on their paper!

Students Do the Teaching

An experienced teacher, watching his students enjoy

teaching each other,

decides being a coordinator for his class

is as effective as teaching alone.

(High school students take over in

Chapter 2:  Students As Science Teachers).

Strategies and enrichment,

analysis lessons, and student independence

 fill the pages in

True Learning: A Renaissance in Education 


Creative thinking for today's lessons.

Click Here

Define how children learn best. 

Click Here

Everyone has two or more enriched intelligences.

What makes every child intelligent?

Click Here

Which type of intelligence makes you brilliant?


What is the

best way you learn?


Begin your  journey to



click here


book takes

student thinking and

teacher inspiration to a new level.

click here to see on amazon.

Thank you!

Miss Trudi

To teach is to learn twice.

Joseph Joubert

The person born with a talent

they are meant to use

will find their greatest happiness

 in using it.

Johann Wolfgang Mozart

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